disaster reconstruction

POST-Basalt Reinforced Dome Shell Structures

By |2024-01-04T17:29:35+11:00January 5th, 2019|Concrete Dome, Cyclone Shelter, Disaster Reconstruction, Dome Architecture, Dome Design, Dome House|

Breaking News: DomeShells Pioneers the Use of Basalt Reinforcing for Residential Concrete Dome Shell Structures Born and Bread in Byron Bay - First Time Under Australian Building Code 170 square meter, 3 x 8.0m dome home under construction in NSW Northern Rivers is scheduled for completion in May 2019. A first [...]

Dome Building System is Ideal for Disaster Reconstruction

By |2024-01-05T15:32:29+11:00April 30th, 2015|Bamboo Construction, Cyclone Shelter, Disaster Reconstruction|

Dome Structures are Capable of Much Higher Loads than Conventional Buildings Building Dome Shaped Shell Structures Using Bamboo Mesh and Render is the Most Cost Effective Way of Building Shelters that are Earthquake and Cyclone Proof Housing and shelter all over the world is becoming a major issue. So called prosperous countries [...]

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Domes for Cyclone Shelters and Disaster Reconstruction

By |2024-01-04T17:28:36+11:00March 16th, 2015|Above Ground Shelter, Bamboo Construction, Cyclone Shelter, Disaster Reconstruction, DIY Dome, Dome Design, Domes, Fibre Glass Domes, Storm Shelter|

Dome Shells Answer to Tropical Cyclone Pam Reconstruction Domeshells believes it's composite dome building systems are the answer for new homes and reconstruction of homes in the cyclone ravaged islands of Vanuatu. Fourteen years of engineering research and development utilising a range of composite materials for constructing dome shaped monolithic structures puts [...]

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