DreamDome and Inspiring Example of Composites in Architecture

DomeShells DreamDome team is proud to be featured alongside so many fine examples of the use of composites in construction. Architectural composite projects are featured from all over the world, many stunning examples of the possibilities that are only possible with composites.

A DreamDome 3.5m version is the first of the series ready for production. You only have to let your imagination out of the cage to go wild about how absolutely useful it would be to own one.


Feature in http://compositesandarchitecture.com/ Oct 18 2016

a 5.0m DreamDome on a Beach

Domeshells Australia has begun taking orders for the first of its Dreamdomes series. The first Dreamdome will be a 3.5-meter (11.5-foot) diameter shell, firmly in the tradition of the Futuro house, the Igloo, and several others that have been profiled in these pages. But there is a difference between the Dreamdomes and all those others: Dreamdomes are not designed to fulfill the niche for tiny cabins that can be installed in remote places. Dreamdomes are the beginning of a concept for general housing.

Chris Brown, Domeshells’ founder and CEO, spoke with Composites and Architecture last week about the new system he is debuting, and where he thinks it will lead.

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