Products and Services
The Most Simple and Cost Effective Method of Building Dome Structures
Domeshells offers a wide range of services to help you with any dome building project
Dome Design Services
Domeshells provides a complete design service from Development Applications to detailed working drawings and structural engineer design and certification. In fact all the design documentation you will need for your local council or private certifier. To find out more and how to go about commencing a dome building project
Training and Education
Dome Building Guides, Manuals and Online Courses
For professional builder, owner builders and DIY
Basalt Fibre Reinforcing for Concrete
Basalt fibre (from basalt rock) has many advantages over steel for concrete reinforcement, especially as applied in the reinforcing of concrete dome structures.
Equipment for Building Domeshells
Air Forms for Domes
Domeshells can fabricate reinforced PVC air forms of any shape and size. They can be single dome air forms and also multi-dome air forms
The hand held air driven hopper sprayer.
The hand held spray machine on the left is a great way to get mud up on the wall fast.
This small spray machine is a relatively cheap, fast and effective way of getting material on any wall surface. Available now from Domeshells Shop
Domeshells mini concrete shot-crete machine.
This by far the most efficient method as this machine enables almost any size dome do be sprayed up in one day.
Domeshells provides a shot-crete machine and crew service to DIY, owner builders and builders for their projects.
For any professional builder intending to make dome construction their business, this is the ideal machine for you. Contact us directly about obtaining one of these machines