Ways to Build Your Own Storm Shelter

Since the birth of Domeshells back in 2000 one of the motivating factors of pursuing development of dome building systems was the potential for a simple way to build structures that would be effective storm shelters. Over the years we have developed several ways, including several unique combinations of materials to build dome shaped structures.

Dome shaped structures are such simple looking shapes compared to conventional structures and often people mistakenly believe because of this it is cheaper to build a dome building that a rectangular building. Thing is, to make a dome shape using any kind of material requires something to create the shape. For most modern dome building systems this includes a mold of some kind.

Domes bilt using an airform system

Building a Dome Shelter Using an Air-Form

One of the systems we have developed uses and air-form to create the shape. An air-form is like a balloon fabricated in the shape of the finished product. The dome shaped balloon is fixed around the floor platform and inflated. Then, various composite materials can be sprayed either over the air-form either from outside or inside. The materials used for this are usually some form of cement based material, renders and or concrete. Our particular system involves accessing the inside of the air-form and spraying a glass fiber reinforced concrete” (GRC) layer against the air form, followed by a core of spray polyurethane foam followed by another layer of GRC. This system produces a lightweight sandwich shell structure. An advantage of the GRC/polyurethane foam sandwich panel system, is the excellent thermal insulation provided by the polyurethane foam.

How to Build a Storm Shelter Using Bamboo

One of our more recent developments in conjunction with architect Wolfgang Widmoser is our guide on how to build a dome structure using bamboo. This system was immediately appealing because it enables anyone anywhere in the world to build a thin shelled dome, a storm shelter or if you want to take it to the extreme, an underground survival bunker. This dome building system is the most simple and accessible way to construct a very strong structure and not just a shelter but a home.

Bamboo, mesh and render domes for homes and shelter

Our first building guide on this subject refers mainly to the use of bamboo however, we are now looking at and will be designing and testing various hybrid solutions along the same lines. Through 2015 we will be pursuing a system that will meet the Australian Building Code.

To find out more about the DIY bamboo dome building system or to acquire a copy for yourself please visit our page here.

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