
Bamboo Dome Workshop in Byron Bay

By |2024-01-04T17:27:39+11:00November 1st, 2015|Bamboo Construction, Bamboo Dome System, Cement Render, Cyclone Shelter, DIY Dome, Dome Workshops, General, Storm Shelter|

Bamboo Dome Building Workshop Byron Bay - 28 Nov to 9 Dec In this workshop we will build a 5.0m diameter dome using a combination of split bamboo, wire mesh and render to construct a ferro/cement thin shell structure that can be used of any kind of accommodation. Have You Ever [...]

Cyclone Shelter, Storm Shelter, Back Yard Cabin

By |2024-01-04T17:28:27+11:00June 1st, 2015|DIY Dome, Dome Architecture|

Bamboo and Ferro Cement Domes Make Exceptionally Strong and Durable Structures Students are having a great time learning how to build dome structures like these. Dome shaped buildings are known to withstand and survive the most extreme of forces. Most of us are as complacent about climate change as we are [...]

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Domes for Cyclone Shelters and Disaster Reconstruction

By |2024-01-04T17:28:36+11:00March 16th, 2015|Above Ground Shelter, Bamboo Construction, Cyclone Shelter, Disaster Reconstruction, DIY Dome, Dome Design, Domes, Fibre Glass Domes, Storm Shelter|

Dome Shells Answer to Tropical Cyclone Pam Reconstruction Domeshells believes it's composite dome building systems are the answer for new homes and reconstruction of homes in the cyclone ravaged islands of Vanuatu. Fourteen years of engineering research and development utilising a range of composite materials for constructing dome shaped monolithic structures puts [...]

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