Learning to Build Domes Using Bamboo Mesh and Render

One and half days into our first hands-on dome building work shop, we are on the way to completing a bamboo framed monolithic ferro cement dome shell structure in the five day training. Bamboo reinforcement in concrete and ferro cement construction are combined making this the most simple and cost effective method of constructing cyclone, hurricane and earthquake resistant housing.

This method of construction is suitable for third world countries and also any developed country and can be utilised for small back yard cabins to luxurious multi dome houses. The system is based on utilising bamboo and a handful of readily available materials – wires mesh, sand and cement. They can be built without power tools.

Architecturally, the designer can be infinitely creative and for those of us that love gracious compound curves in architecture it is a medium that so cost effectively allows sculptured buildings of great strength and durability.

Bamboo Dome Workshop Progress

Learn to build like this for yourself or learn to build like this for our clients or become a Domeshells trainer and help us take this around the world.

Watch our website for up coming information on our next workshops.
